Week 9 SDX placement

23rd mar- Got the group test results back today, below is some graphs from the survey.

    Most people felt curious, at first not knowing what the product was but it means its eye catching and can encourage engagement.

    There was also nervous and excited on this question as to truly see how people felt, but it is good to see most people had the intended feelings towards touching the product.

    The people who said yes where either on the spectrum or knew people on the spectrum, the people who weren’t sure did not know people on the spectrum.

    How the product is made wont enable customisability, however this shows that having more choices would be preferable as to feel the product is more personal. As well as showing how this product could expand in the future.

    Lavender and peppermint are the main colours I have been using so it is good to see that there is a clear want for it, with white being surprisingly high. So I may include this for more variation.

    Metal was higher than I was expecting, due to expenses this cant be achieved. However, there is a clay that when baked turns into metal, so the same product could be made for a higher market once profits come in. This would be a long term goal for the project.

    It was nice to see that no one thought this should be marketed solely to the general public. This shows I should say about the intended use but it can be used by anyone when marketing.

    £15 is the price that I had thought of selling the product at, as to allow for discounts and to make back some of the budget spending. The results reaffirm that people would spend £15 on this necklace.

    Today I also went ahead and started to make the beads, following photos show the process as well as a learning moment.

    Before cooking                            Temperature                              Time cooked                          After cooking   

    The white clay burnt, I have found out that the white clay must be cooked bellow 190 C, as well as having metal foil over the top to further help it to not burn. From now on White will be cooked separately so I can more closely monitor it and make sure it doesn’t burn as badly as this again.

    One last thing from today, the business cards arrived and the colour looks the way I intended it to look. Pleased with how they turned out.